The organization of joint training is the first step towards establishing close cooperation between our universities providing training in nuclear engineering in the V4 countries.
Project objective
The common history and culture and close economic cooperation will help with sharing of knowledge and experience, providing training and education programs for students, researchers and professionals among V4 universities.
Moreover, Poland is the only one from V4 countries without nuclear power plants, but it is at the beginning on its way to introduce this source of energy to the energy mix. The crossborder cooperation is very important and necessary to ensure regional nuclear safety by providing support for Poland as a newcomer country. This approach will certainly raise the awareness of inhabitants of V4 countries of their regional solidarity related to nuclear energy development, and contribute to a more positive perception of cooperation in this regional format.
We would like to extend already established collaborations among all V4 countries in nuclear field and increase our expertise and range. This first common project will help to developed closer relationships in education and training and of course also in research and development field. The course will be organized by Czech Technical University, Slovak University of Technology, University of Warsaw and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, leaders in education of staff for nuclear sector in V4 countries. This course, addressed to students and researchers involved in educational process, will be the first step to establish cooperation between these academic centers and establish professional relationships between the academic staff and students.
During 5-day meeting, lectures, experiments and a technical visit will be organized. The aim of the meeting is gaining knowledge on advanced issues of reactor physics, exchanging experiences, as well as a discussion about future joint projects, potential research, academic and student exchange between four universities. The specific goals of the project: develop the collaboration in nuclear education and training students, researchers and professionals; ensure the quality of nuclear education and training in all of the V4 countries; integration of scientific and academic community all of the V4 countries, specializing in nuclear energy development, sharing of academic resources and capabilities at the international level.
We plan to continue this training course and further expand our cooperation in education and training, as well as researach and development.